Why True North?
True North Group was started with a simple yet complex mission. Help companies protect the critical data they rely on to run their business. Once you sift through the Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt used by many vendors, you realize that protecting your data is not rocket science. Though there are all types of complex solutions you can use, they need to be aligned to fundamental controls to move you in the right direction, if you do not know where you are, you cannot get where you want to go.
Serving 20 years in the U.S. Army, I recall one of the first skills I learned when I arrived at Army basic training, was land navigation. Simply, land navigation has two main purposes: It shows you where you are and helps you safely get where you want to go. During my training, I learned about the three types of the north, consisting of Magnetic, Grid, and True.
Magnetic North
Magnetic north is found using a compass and will always point towards the pole. Unfortunately, you may not arrive at the exact point since the compass aligns itself to the local geomagnetic field which varies constantly.
Grid North
Grid north is a navigational phrase used to refer to the northward of grid lines on a map. Grid north contrasts with true north and magnetic north in that it is aligned to grid lines and always points upwards on a map. The lines point towards Grid North and have a slight variation from True North. These variations will vary depending on where you are in the world.
True North
True north is measured in relation to the geographic North Pole and is generated as the earth rotates on its axis. The direction is marked in our skies by the North Celestial Pole. The direction is within 1° of the placements of the star Polaris. The True north is seen to rotate in an arc in relation to stars for about 25,000 years to complete.
What is the relationship between the Norths, True North Group, and you?
The significance and difference of true north is that both magnetic and grid require tools to find your way and may be influenced by other factors that could lead you off course. However, wherever you are in the world, locating Polaris in the night sky will always point you north so you can orientate yourself and arrive at your destination.
Ultimately, using either method will point you in the right direction, but using either magnetic or grid north may only get you close to your desired location. True North Group is founded on establishing and implementing sound practices that focus on fundamental controls. Regardless of your industry, size of your business, or regulatory requirements, we help you navigate these requirements by using sound practices in the same manner how travelers use sound practices to navigate by the North Star. Our proven approach leverages the people, processes, and technologies you already have in place so you can travel from where you are today and safely travel to your desired security state to protect the critical data you rely on to run your business.